
Is this on or what?

Wish List
  • Sal Collaziano

    Sal Collaziano - 2004-05-11

    Okay. I think this would be a great idea.. I used to run BBSes back in the 80s with a Commodore 64 and Perspective's C-Net software.. It would be nice to login, get the latest news and updates, mail, etc - chat room, message boards, downloads - everything all integrated into one system...

    Sal Collaziano

    • Michael Mol

      Michael Mol - 2004-05-11

      The plan is for a modular system, with each piece of functionality as a separate program.

      If you wanted, you could run the chat module from your normal shell, and participate in the conversations.

    • Retired inet handle, now "Fewt

      Take a look at my BBS package, Photon BBS for *ux. It's GPL.

      The BBS offers a teleconference, menuing system, and user management. I'd like to eventually add forum support, but it's not really high on my priority list since it has less than 10 users (though I don't advertise it much).

      You can see it live by telnetting to  It's pretty mature, and I've started working on a MUD that integrates with it which is a work in progress.


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