Jordi Camps - 2020-09-24

Just discovered the extin=fq parameter. But having in1=<(preprocess "$fq1") in2=<(preprocess "$fq2") extin=fq qin=33 ...

does not solve the issue either:

$ qin=33 extin=fq in1=<(<test_1.fastq) in2=<(<test_2.fastq) out=test.sam
java -ea -Xms300m -cp /apps/BBMAP/38.57/bbmap/current/ jgi.ReformatReads qin=33 extin=fq in1=/dev/fd/63 in2=/dev/fd/62 out=test.sam
Executing jgi.ReformatReads [qin=33, extin=fq, in1=/dev/fd/63, in2=/dev/fd/62, out=test.sam]

Set INTERLEAVED to false
Input is being processed as paired
Input:                          0 reads                 0 bases
Output:                         0 reads (NaN%)  0 bases (NaN%)

Time:                           0.127 seconds.
Reads Processed:           0    0.00k reads/sec
Bases Processed:           0    0.00m bases/sec

Last edit: Jordi Camps 2020-09-24