

Bobby Kearan

Thank you for your interest in BBCA Tuner Log Analyzer!

How the program works :

The program assumes you are in an Active Directory domain and can access your computers via unc.

You just put the endpoint name in the text box and click "Get Logs" - So, if you can get to your endpoint using the UNC path, "\\billyspc\c$", then you would put in "billyspc" as the target name. No FQDN, no tuner URL, just the computer name.

When you click "Get Logs" the program finds the Tuner.exe path via the registry (must have remote registry service running on endpoint and I assume that you must have admin rights). It looks for the entry in "SOFTWARE\Marimba\Castanet Tuner" the "Application" value. Then it finds the tuner workspace folder by enumerating the keys under that key, which there should be only one, which is the tuner workspace (by default). Then it finds the map.txt file and parses it to get the channel directories for the standard services.

Then it checks the timestamp on the key files to see when the channel last ran successfully.

Channel Timestamp File in channel folder :
Infrastructure channel.txt
Inventory \data\invtree.diff
Patch \data\scaner\ScanData.xml
Subscription \data\config.xml (aka Policy)
Patch Info channel.txt

When you click Workspace, it opens a File Explorer to the UNC path of the Tuner workspace.

When you click a button for the log file to open, the program looks for the latest log file in that channel, IF the file is not in use, it parses it into an html file, highlighting key words and phrases to help with trouble shooting, then opens it in the default browser. If the file is in use, it opens it using notepad ( or default program for .log files ). If you notice any words in the logs that would be useful to color code, let me know and I will add them.

Lots of endpoint tuner issues can be quickly found using this program.

Watch the Demonstration [Video]

The wiki uses Markdown syntax.

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