
BaZeN Jukebox / News: Recent posts

Jukebox v0.1.2 released!

In this release, 3 major new features are introduced:
1) A Windows-version has now been released with an automatic installer! An installer for other systems is now also included.
The Windows-installer uses Nullsoft Scriptable Install System ( for the installer itself and it uses 7-zip ( for compression and selfextraction.

2) Replacement of the mp3info-systemcall, which was used for obtaining (and adding/changing) the id3-tags of mp3-files. Instead the jukebox now uses getid3() from This also introduces better filesupport (now id3v2-tags are support, before only id3v1 was).
Currently I have only implemented mp3-features, but in the future, formats like Vorbis, FLAC, APE, WMA and so on are likely to be supported, but so far not scheduled.... read more

Posted by Morten Skyt 2005-07-26

Jukebox 0.1.1 released - Play music everywhere

Todays release makes it possible to play the music on the client connecting to the jukebox, instead of on the server, so in case server and client are not the same machine, this could be a great feature.

Other minor updates has also been done. All code has been read through and comments has been added where missing, and some comments has been replaced with better ones.

Also some minor bugfixes has been implemented: Error-messages when entering invalid album-numbers, artist-numbers og track-numbers where implemented in this release. Previousely, odd messages would appear on the screen and blank tracks would be added to the playlist when invalid tracks were entered.

Posted by Morten Skyt 2005-07-19


Ever been to a party where some computer acted as a jukebox, with some mediaplayer like Winamp, Windows Media Player or XMMS? Isn't it annoying when whoever decides to change song in the middle of the songs? Isn't it annoying that when you add a song to the playlist, someone just skips it? BaZeN Jukebox is a full-screen party-jukebox with a very easy to use and logical interface, even for people with no computer-knowledge.... read more

Posted by Morten Skyt 2005-07-18