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File Date Author Commit
 BayesFilter 2023-12-31 Michael Stevens Michael Stevens [ef0cd9] Breaking rename 'invertable' to 'invertible'
 Deployment 2020-02-02 Michael Stevens Michael Stevens [4e47db] Deployment with boost_1_72_0
 Matlab 2012-05-12 Michael Michael [c32edf] Move Bayes++ to root
 MuPad 2012-05-12 Michael Michael [c32edf] Move Bayes++ to root
 NonLinearSimple 2012-05-12 Michael Michael [c32edf] Move Bayes++ to root
 PV 2012-05-12 Michael Michael [c32edf] Move Bayes++ to root
 PV_SIR 2012-05-12 Michael Michael [c32edf] Move Bayes++ to root
 QuadCalib 2012-05-12 Michael Michael [c32edf] Move Bayes++ to root
 SLAM 2020-02-01 Michael Stevens Michael Stevens [11cab5] FIX catch of polymorthic exception
 Simple 2012-05-12 Michael Michael [c32edf] Move Bayes++ to root
 Test 2020-02-01 Michael Stevens Michael Stevens [e5a149] FIX compilation random.hpp with BAYES_FILTER_GAPPY
 VClib 2012-05-12 Michael Michael [c32edf] Move Bayes++ to root
 rtheta 2023-02-27 Michael Stevens Michael Stevens [10a83e] Testing with better theta
 .cdtproject 2012-05-12 Michael Michael [c32edf] Move Bayes++ to root
 .cproject 2020-02-02 Michael Stevens Michael Stevens [beb006] Update the Eclipse CDT project
 .gitignore 2021-06-19 Michael Stevens Michael Stevens [b20c83] Remove CI non functioninal CI implemenation
 .project 2020-02-02 Michael Stevens Michael Stevens [beb006] Update the Eclipse CDT project
 Bayes++.doxygen 2014-04-23 Michael Stevens Michael Stevens [f64cb3] Release 2014.5
 Bayes++.html 2017-03-19 Michael Stevens Michael Stevens [be4d74] Fix's and documentation for 2017.3 release
 Bayes++.sln 2012-05-12 Michael Michael [c32edf] Move Bayes++ to root
 Bayes++FAQ.html 2017-03-19 Michael Stevens Michael Stevens [d5f687] Remove rather outdate reference to ACFR
 Bayesian Filtering Classes.html 2023-12-31 Michael Stevens Michael Stevens [ef0cd9] Breaking rename 'invertable' to 'invertible'
 Jamfile 2012-05-12 Michael Michael [c32edf] Move Bayes++ to root
 project-root.jam 2012-05-12 Michael Michael [c32edf] Move Bayes++ to root