


BatchResize is a front end for Image Magick to process images in batch. You can check out the source code either by downloading it on Sourceforge or on Gitlab.

To launch a resize (or any other operation that Image Magick supports), you can either pass the image path as argument to BatchResize, launch BatchResize and drag and drop files into the main window or click on the add icon (first icon on the left) and select the files you want to process.
Note: All the files will be overwritten with no warning.

By default BatchResize launches magick with the pre-set arguments on the files you specified and overwrites the files with the processed ones once the operation is completed. In other words, BatchResize runs the following command for you:
magick /path/to/image.png arguments specified /path/to/image.png

You can force aurguments to pass to magick different from the onces pre-set by running:
BatchResize -force "some other arguments" /path/to/image.png

It is important that the arguments specified after -force are between quotes ("). In this case the image passed as argument will be processed using the new arguments specified and the line will appear in red in the main window. Note that only the image passed with the argument -force will be processed using the forced arguments, all of the images opened after and before will not be affected.


Here is a quick guide to start using BatchResize:
1. Grab the binaries for your configuration.
2. Launch BatchResize (note: you will want the icons folder to be located on the same folder as BatchResize binary, at least for the first run).
3. Click on Settings (second icon on the right in the toolbar).
4. Configure magick arguments (e.g. to reduce pictures' resolution by 50% put -resize 50%).
5. Optional: configure magick's location by entering the absolute path to magick's binary into the Magick Path field (point to a *.exe file on windows or a *.AppImage file on Linux). On Linux, if magick is already installed on your system just enter the command to execute magick (e.g. convert on most configurations).
6. Optional: configure the icons pack's location by entering the absolute path to the icons theme directory into the Icons Path field.
7. Drag and drop pictures into the main window or click on the Open icon (first icon on the left in the toolbar) and select the files you want to process in the dialog that opens.
8. That's it! BatchResize takes it from there!

Note: All processed files will be overwritten with no warning!


BatchResize screenshot

The main window consists on a toolbar for quick actions and a list view. The list displays the files completed (1), running (2) and in queue (3). You can click on an item from this list to run certain actions.

BatchResize screenshot
The toolbar can perform the following quick actions:
1. Open: this opens a files dialog to select the wanted files.
2. Clear list: this clears the list of all files completed, running and in queue.
3. Open file: this opens the selected file into your system's image viewer if the file still exists. Note that you can directly double click on an item from the list to perform this action.
4. Open folder: this opens the selected file into your system's file browser if the file still exists.
5. Re-run item: this re-runs magick on the selected file. Magick is run with the forced arguments if any otherwise the currently configued arguments will be used.
6. Remove item: this removes the selected item from the list (note: this doesn't remove the file).
7. Pause / unpause: this toggles the pause of the processing. The files that are currently running will continue to run but the software will stop / resume the processing of the files in queue.
8. Simultaneous mode: this toggles the simultaneous mode. In simultaneous mode, all of the files in the view list will be processed at the same time in parallele. It may be faster but uses a lot more ressources and may crash your system if too many files are being processed at the same time.
9. Settings: this opens the settings dialog. See the section below for more information about the main configuration options.
10. Magick information: Opens a dialog about the BatchResize and Image Magick versions being run.

You can also click right on an item from the list to open a menu which links to some of these quick actions.

Main configaration options

BatchResize screenshot

  1. Magick arguments: You can check the Image Magick documentation to learn more about the syntaxe. Note that the argument concerning the output file is passed automatically to magick so you should not add it.
    Note: All existing files will be overwritten with no warning.

  2. Force output format: Check the box to force the output format. You then need to specify the extention of the format that you want. For example write "PNG" to output ".PNG" files no matter what format the input files are. If the format is not recognized by Image Magick, the output format will be the same as the input format but the file extention of the output will be changed. Note the the output extention will be the same as what you type. If you enter "jPeG" the output format will be set to jpeg and the extention of the output file will be ".jPeG".

  3. Output into a different folder: Check the box to output the files into a different folder. You can then specify the folder you want to output to. Note that once again, all existing files in this folder will be overwritten with no warning.

  4. Image Magick Path: You can specify the absolute path to the magick executable.
    On windows this allows you to use a separate install of Image Magick and update it independantly from Batch Resize.
    On Linux you need to have the Image Magick package installed on your system. You can then specify a path to an AppImage or simply the command to call Image Magick, i.e. convert on most configurations.

  5. Path to the icon pack: You can specify a different absolute path than the default one. By default BatchResize comes with icons packs taken from Breeze icons, Tango icons and Faenza icons.

Advanced settings: The main instance of BatchResize launches a local server on which all next instances will connect and send the files passed into argument. If for some reasons you want to modify the address and port number used by the local server, you can do it through the advanced settings.