
batch file generator / News: Recent posts

version 1.2

Posted by nickj2000 2008-11-01

version 1.2

I've tidied the code up and sorted some bugs out.

Unfortunately, I can't be bothered with sourceforge's lousy file release / upload system, but I've put it up here:

Posted by nickj2000 2007-08-13

batcomp 1.1

I've got this into the state it should have been in to start with. Optimization is rather more reliable, the source files have been reorganised and pruned, there is better documentation.


Posted by nickj2000 2004-09-29

download available

I have put source, binaries and test cases in Have a look, see if you're interested.

I'm still chanting CVS and SSH incantations; the auguries are good but it may be some time before there is a CVS repository.


Posted by nickj2000 2004-09-16

hello world

I will put source, binary + documentation up as soon as I get up to speed with cvs.

Posted by nickj2000 2004-09-16