


Welcome to the Batch CSV wiki!

This project was started to help folks who are dealing with large data sets (for example, bank analysts) and would like simple tools to save some copy n paste time.

Scenario 1: You have 50 unzipped folders each containing one 100MB CSV file. The folders have different names but some of the files have the same name and you would like all 50 CSV files in one directory so you can work with them as a whole. What to do? Use the "Rename-n-Move-Unzipped-CSV" utility to automatically collect and rename them!

Scenario 2: You have 50 CSV files in a directory, each one contains 100MB of data. You need to easily examine the same six columns (out of a total of 50 columns) from each CSV file, and only those rows that contain specific text. What to do? Use the "TrimCSV" utility to extract the columns from all 50 files (parsing and copying from 5 gigs of data) in under 10 minutes! *

Scenario 3: You have 50 CSV files in a directory, each one contains 100MB of data. You need to generate a list of unique (or customized) values from one column and generate a sum from another column for each unique value. What to do? Use the "Unique-List-Tools" utility to analyze one or all CSVs at once!

*Tested on IBM X41 Thinkpad, Intel® Pentium(R) M processor 1.60GHz, 1.5GB RAM