
Batch XML Modifier v.1.0

Hennadii Kolomoiets
XMLFileStructure.png (31658 bytes)
XMLStructureBXM.png (29350 bytes)

Batch XML Modifier v.1.0

Batch XML Modifier (BXM) allows you to modify the tag and attributes of all XML files with the identical structure in the specified directory (see later). BXM is designed for the Java FX platform. The application can add, update and delete selected tags and attributes in batch mode. Also You can copy attribute value to another attribute, add string prefix and suffix to the attribute value et al. The program performs the uniform changes for all the tags with the identical name and of the same level. Also, the program performs the uniform changes of the selected attribute of all the tags with the identical name and of the same level. BXM allows to switch interface: English, Ukrainian or Russian. Windows (x32 and x64) and Linux Debian distributives are available.

What is meant by an identical XML files structure

Identity of the XML files structure is defined by the equality of the sets of unique characteristics that determine the location of the all tags in the tag tree. This characteristic is a set of the tag name, the tag level (integer, 0 - for the root) and the parent tag name (null - for the root).

XML file example:
The tag tree for above XML file example:

Feature list:

  • add tag to the selected parent tag;
  • update of the selected tag value;
  • delete selected tag;
  • add attribute to the selected tag;
  • update attribute value of selected tag;
  • copy the value of one attribute to another;
  • add the prefix and suffix to a attribute value;
  • replace the first character of attribute value in capital letters;
  • delete selected attribute;
  • choose a directory with the source XML files;
  • choose a directory for the modified XML files;
  • analyze the contents of a directory and display messages in case of:
    • presence in the source directory not XML files;
    • presence in the source directory of XML files with different structure.
  • availability of menu with the items for selecting of directories, for selecting of commands to modify tags and attributes and for selecting commands to display windows with messages about the program;
  • form a list of commands for working with tags or attributes;
  • provide scrolling for long list of commands
  • display a tree structure of tags;
  • display a scrolling list of attributes of the selected tag;
  • allow the user to remove items from the list of commands;
  • automatically delete erroneous commands for the selected tags that don't have attributes;
  • display a message in the case of commands with missing mandatory parameters;
  • display a list of commands for processing with the ability to confirm or refuse processing;
  • internationalization of the interface in three languages ​​(English, Russian, Ukrainian) with the possibility of switching by user;
  • automatic font height adjustment depending on the screen resolution;
  • use of color gradients, images for an attractive modern look&feel of the program.

Linux Debian
Windows 7/8/8.1/10 x64
Windows 7/8/8.1/10 x86
Java FX jar (Need JRE or JDK 1.8.0_40 or above to run)

UML diagrams:
Class diagram:
Activity diagram: