
BasicQuery / News: Recent posts

BasicQuery 01.03.01 (Beta) Released

Added support for placing multiple SQL statements in the query text area, each separated by a semicolon. BasicQuery will split the input at each semicolon (unless they are within quotes) and execute each statement independently. The feature is enabled and disabled by a menu option. Note that all the statements in the group must be the same type (selects [with resultsets] versus modifications [update, insert, delete, DDL]).

Posted by David Read 2006-06-01

BasicQuery 01.03.00 (Beta) Released

This begins the next cycle of feature additions scheduled for the 01.04 version. In this release the configuration files have been moved to a sub-directory of the user’s home. This will prevent overwriting of configuration files when future versions are installed. Also, the user may now control the font type and size for the messages and data displays. Finally driver definitions and connect string templates for several DBs have been added to the default driver and connect files. Included are Apache Derby, Informix, and DB2. Thanks to Paul Evans and Sean Sullivan for providing these.

Posted by David Read 2006-05-19

BasicQuery 01.02.01 (Production) Released

This fixes a bug with the handling of incorrectly formatted definitions for user defined row coloring. BasicQuery will now simply report that the color definition cannot be parsed and will ignore the effected portion of the color definition.

Posted by David Read 2006-05-14

BasicQuery 01.02.00 (Production) Released

Production release encompassing support for 6 languages, soft-reference-based results cache and numerous options for controlling application behavior, including reporting of client and server details. Given the variety of improvements over the last production release, it is well worth your time upgrading. On the source code side, this version completes the integration of log4j, JUnit and Cobertura. The test suite is fairly complete, other than automating the testing of the GUI components. NOTE: Users of previous versions should save the BasicQuery text files, normally located in the installation directory, before installing this new version.

Posted by David Read 2006-05-06

BasicQuery 01.01.04 (Beta) Released

Added resource bundles for French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish in addition to the original English. The program will use the system configured language/country to attempt to find the correct resource bundle, but has the option to override that setting. Completed changes for all messages/widgets within the application frame to use the resource bundle values. Finally, made a couple of minor bug fixes. First resolved an issue related to removing the column type information from the first line of the results table. Second, resolved an issue of leaking DB connections when the database details were being output. Barring any significant flaws, this will be the final Beta release of this series.

Posted by David Read 2006-04-28

BasicQuery 01.01.03 (Beta) Released

BasicQuery is a Java-based application used to access databases through JDBC. It features a Swing-based GUI and includes capabilities useful to developers when testing SQL statements against a database.

Highlights of this release:


-Integrated log4j and replaced system.out calls;
-Began process of moving all text to resource bundles;
-Added optional display of DB server details;
-Add ability to control table row coloring;
-Moved column data type display into column header and made display optional;
-Fixed bug that prevented saving of BLOB field data when DB pooling wasn't used;
-Added support for copying selected rows to the clipboard; and
-Removed legacy "command-line version" code.

Posted by David Read 2006-04-21

BasicQuery 01.01.01 (Beta) Released

BasicQuery is a Java-based application used to access databases through JDBC. It features a Swing-based GUI and includes capabilities useful to developers when testing SQL statements against a database. This update adds a previous/next facility, similar to a web browser, for reviewing the previously executed queries. It also includes a new capability for reordering the memorized queries, particularly useful when setting up a script to be run using the batch run feature.

Posted by David Read 2004-11-09

BasicQuery Version 01.00.01 Released

BasicQuery is a Java-based application used to access databases through JDBC. It features a Swing-based GUI and includes capabilities useful to developers when testing SQL statements against a database. It also produces timing information, which is valuable during tuning exercises. Development on BasicQuery began in early 2003 and it has been used on various projects since then.

BasicQuery can use any JDBC-compliant driver. The list of drivers to be loaded is stored in a parameter file. The driver packages themselves are loaded dynamically at startup from a user-configurable location. We regularly access MySQL, Oracle, and Sybase databases. The Apache Jakarta Commons Pool Library can be used, allowing timing tests to reflect the impact of pooled versus non-pooled connections.... read more

Posted by David Read 2004-10-19