


BasEdit.Net is a CBM Basic Editor written by Björg Stojalowski in VB.NET 2010. More information available at:

Main Web-site:

Denial VIC20 Forum:

He has kindly made his source code available to the public domain. I will attempt to prepare a Sourceforge project for it, in-case others with a passion for Commodore Basic programming want to add in extra features and facilities.

This is my first attempt at using the sourceforge project system, I suspect I might do some things wrong, so I'm open to feedback. Anyway, let's see how it goes :)

The wiki uses Markdown syntax.

Topics of interest


Wiki: Can I get email notifications on updates to this project?
Wiki: How do I checkout the code to my PC?
Wiki: How do I create a new keymapping for the BasEdit?
Wiki: How to configure BasEdit for C64
Wiki: How to contribute?