
Preparing the repository

Well, it's a 1st attempt at a sourceforge project for me, very early in the learning curve, but here's some of my initial thought-process.

I decided to use Mercurial for version-control, as it's a distributed vcs, each coder can do their own local commits and not affect others. When they're ready to share their results, they can push it in. It's also a bit more windows-friendly (eg, TortoiseHg client). I thought about Git vcs initially, but it still seems more linux-oriented, although I know it works in Windows too by installing cygwin/bash. But I'm worried that'll seem like extra headaches for windows developers, so Mercurial it is.

  • I've installed TortoiseHg for windows.
  • The repo is initially empty, so I right-click in explorer and go to "TortoiseHg >> Clone..."
  • In the 'clone' dialog-box, I enter:
    Source: ssh://
    Destination: C:\Gurce\BasEdit
  • I got a "PuTTY Security Alert" pop-up regarding the ssh key, I just clicked "Yes"
  • I then got a password prompt, which took me by surprise. Oh, I then realised I have to type in my Sourceforge account's log-in password.
  • Yay, the empty repo is cloned to my local pc
  • I'll copy across Björg's code into this local clone folder
  • Hmm, there are files in the zip that probably shouldn't go into the repo. Don't have the time right now to trace which ones we can cull, and I don't want to accidentally delete anything important, so will just remove the 'obj' folder, 'exe' and 'pdb' files for now.
  • Perhaps I'd better keep 'CompareFiles.exe' and 'petcat.exe', they may be required dependencies
  • Ok, I then right-click my 'BasEdit' folder in explorer, and go to "TortoiseHg >> Add Files..."
  • All files to be added are listed in the dialog, looks good to me, I'll click the "Add" button
  • Right-click and go to "Hg Commit..."
  • Was going to mention the app's version number in the initial comment. Wasn't sure what the current version, but then I remember reading in the VIC20 forums that Björg put the version number in the app's title bar, aah, V1.4.2, ok :)
  • Hmm, not sure how to push this onto the sourceforge server now, is it right-click and "TortoiseHg >> Synchronize"?
  • Ah yes, I then get a dialog with a toolbar, one of the buttons within has a hover hint of "Push outgoing changesets to remote repository"
  • A confirm popup appears, I click "Yes"
  • It prompts me for my sourceforge password again, I type it in.
  • It all uploads in about a minute and it's done, awesome! :)
Posted by Gurce 2012-07-21

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