
Permission to use BIN2ISO granted

While initially working with PearPC, I found the Bin2Iso utility on This is a nice C++ application that converts Raw CD images to ISO format.

Since PearPC only understands ISO or Native CD ROMs, I thought it would be great to build this one into the Bartlett application.

Uncertain of the licensing for this application, I queried the original developer.

Below is a copy of the approval email. Please note that the Bartlett team will not attempt to merge this code with the core Bartlett code in release .01, rather we will merely recompile the Bin2Iso C++ code with a new name and icon, then call the executable from Bartlett's UI.

From: A. Riazi
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2005 10:57 PM
To: Rob Gura
Subject: Bin2ISO

Dear Rob,
Thank you for your email. There is no problem for using my code in your open source tool. You are free to modify/change the code for your purpose.
Best Regards,
A. Riazi
I am working on an open source project which requires a bin to ISO conversion utility as part of its toolset.
I am wondering if I can utilize the Bin2Iso source code, however recompile it to "look" more like it is part of the Bartlett application.
This would require only 2 changes.
1.) Change the icon to match Bartlett's icon
2.) Change the title bar to read "Bartlett Bin2Iso Conversion"
I would also change the Bin2Iso About screen to read "Bartlett Bin2Iso, based on Bin2Iso Version 1.0 by A. Riazi, recompiled and redistributed with permission".
In addition, I would credit you in the Bartlett About screen and help file.
Please let me know if this is permissible.
Warm Regards,
Rob Gura

Posted by RobGTX 2005-04-28

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