
Tree [r11] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit 2008-03-10 debatem1 [r11] Removed timestamps, clock drift = bad. 2008-03-10 debatem1 [r9] Edited for debugging 2008-03-10 debatem1 [r7] Permissions changes on the install scripts.
 README 2008-03-10 debatem1 [r4] Modified documentation
 TODO 2008-03-10 debatem1 [r8] Added additional to do's

Read Me

NOTES on Banshell 0.00

This is an EXTREMELY EARLY non-production release of Banshell.
It should be taken as a view of things to come rather than as
a stable and usable technology.
It currently suffers from several known security flaws,
particularly the plaintext storage of secrets, which is being
worked on. Expect such updates regularly during this stage of
If you happen to spot a security flaw, let us know. The best
way of doing so is via cto at openmigration dot net.
If you want to make a feature request, please do not use the
above email address. Instead, please use
service at openmigration dot net.
To install, use Install
To uninstall, use Uninstall.
To use as a server, type -S
To use as a client, type 
Banshell -C -d <ipAddress> -P <port> -u <un> -p <pw> "command"

That's about all there is to it. Any help is welcome.