
Banshee32 / News: Recent posts

Playlist Bug

I am having difficulty with a very annoying bug in the playlist that concerns repeat mode. When a song ends it fires the event to play the next song, the grid moves one up, the metadata gets updated and thats it ... now sound :(

Posted by Cornel 2007-05-03

Testing needed

In order to make this a successfull project I relised i will need some help. I had to reinstall windows on my PC( now now linux fans you do this too :P) and the 1st thing i did was install Banshee32 only to realise i didnt package the sqlite dll. So if you like the idea behind this software, drop me a line or drop a comment in the forum.

PS. I will post the new installer in about 20 mins

Posted by Cornel 2007-04-22


I should hopefully put out a new release today that fixes a bug with the repeat function as well as faster load times. Oh yeah and the pretty glass styles

Posted by Cornel 2007-04-19

Svn Oops !!

There was a bit of a hickup that i was unaware of until i read an email enquiring about the code status. All that is fixed now and all the code has been uploaded. Happy Reading

Posted by Cornel 2007-04-17

Glass Glass Glass

Today i found a nice ui library that gives the interface an very nice "Vista" type look. The GlassControls dll that i wrote will now be dropped since its pretty much a mess right now. I will be using Krypton Toolkit instead. So at first there will be 3 prebuilt styles with support for custom styles to follow

Posted by Cornel 2007-04-17