baduK is getting ready for it's next incarnation. A C++/CLI .net re development is to take place. This will enable a lot of re-factoring of existing code, combined with an SQL database of games.
A package for the Mac OS X is available for download.
A Windows 32-bit version has been released. Feature requests, bug reports and project contributors very welcome. A Linux version to be released shortly. For Mac OS users interested in compiling from source, just email for help if needed.
Some major updates to the SVN source code repository have happened over the last few weeks. Th Qt 4.1 User Interface is nearing completion and integration with the backend and testing has begun. The project is looking for testers in the coming weeks and those who can compile the project to release on Windows and the Mac.
The source files for the alpha release are now uploaded to the Subversion repository.
The homepage is getting ready and documentation is being worked on to help developers understand the code. There will be some Class diagrams, commenting of code and an overview of whats going on with the game database engine, and pattern generation.
Coding has commenced on the project - whole board patterns and searches have been coded.
So far it's a command line tool and not very useful, a Qt 4 user interface is the next milestone. Once this is done its time to release a beta after some polish.
Plans are to get 9x9, 12x12 and half board searches implemented also, then its time to get a full version out.