Activity for BaCon PROTO

  • BaCon PROTO BaCon PROTO released /PROTO-GTK3-2023.tar.gz

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    Embed GTK3 in BaCon updated to work on mint 20.1 xfce 64bit 2021 Summary Convert GTK3 official examples to BaCon The official site is The official forum is Getting started with sample widgets Most of the examples have been converted from the gtk3 official examples ported to BaCon code as a reference only to make it easier to see how to code it with BaCon and there are more demos here Page 2 demos Page 3 demos Page 4 demos Page...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a wiki page

    Class to Bacon

  • big-bass big-bass modified a wiki page

    Class to Bacon

  • big-bass big-bass modified a wiki page

    Class to Bacon

  • big-bass big-bass modified a wiki page

    Class to Bacon

  • big-bass big-bass modified a wiki page

    Class to Bacon

  • big-bass big-bass modified a wiki page

    Class to Bacon

  • big-bass big-bass modified a wiki page

    Class to Bacon

  • big-bass big-bass modified a wiki page

    Class to Bacon

  • big-bass big-bass modified a wiki page

    Class to Bacon

  • big-bass big-bass modified a wiki page

    Class to Bacon

  • big-bass big-bass modified a wiki page

    Class to Bacon

  • big-bass big-bass modified a wiki page

    Class to Bacon

  • big-bass big-bass modified a wiki page

    Class to Bacon

  • big-bass big-bass created a wiki page

    Class to Bacon

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    GRID-PACKING ported from the grid-packing example in gtk3 sources modified for BaCon use Example code: grid-packing-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit -Wno-deprecated-declarations OPTION PARSE FALSE PROTO gtk_container_add PROTO gtk_container_set_border_width...

  • big-bass big-bass posted a comment on a wiki page

    GRID-PACKING ported from the grid-packing example in gtk3 sources modified for BaCon use Example code: grid-packing-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit -Wno-deprecated-declarations OPTION PARSE FALSE PROTO gtk_container_add PROTO gtk_container_set_border_width...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    SCROLLED Example code: scrolled-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit -Wno-deprecated-declarations OPTION PARSE FALSE PROTO gtk_container_add PROTO gtk_container_set_border_width PROTO gtk_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport PROTO gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy...

  • big-bass big-bass posted a comment on a wiki page

    SCROLLED Example code: scrolled-gtk3-proto.bac ~~~~~~ '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0 PRAGMA LDFLAGS pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0 PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0 gtk="" gtk.h=""> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit -Wno-deprecated-declarations OPTION PARSE FALSE</gtk-3.0> PROTO gtk_container_add PROTO gtk_container_set_border_width PROTO gtk_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport PROTO...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    Widget examples HSCALE KEYPRESSED HSCALE Example code: hscale-gtk2-proto.bac PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0` '--- '--- GTK example with BACON '--- March 2009 - PvE. '--- Adapted November 2009. adapted for Hscale 2013 alexfish '--- Ported to PROTO/PRAGMA/IMPORT syntax 2013 bigbass '--- Get needed functions from GTK PROTO gtk_table_attach_defaults PROTO gtk_window_set_title PROTO gtk_button_new_from_stock 'PROTO gtk_range_get_value PROTO gtk_table_new PROTO gtk_window_new PROTO...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a wiki page


  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    FILECHOOSER Example code: filechooser-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit -Wno-deprecated-declarations OPTION PARSE FALSE PROTO gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new PROTO gtk_dialog_run PROTO gtk_file_chooser_get_filename PROTO gtk_widget_destroy PROTO gtk_init...

  • big-bass big-bass posted a comment on a wiki page

    IF tabnumber < 1 THEN tabnumber = 1 END IF END SUB

  • big-bass big-bass modified a wiki page


  • big-bass big-bass modified a wiki page


  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    ENTRY source code ported from here Example code: entry-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit -Wno-deprecated-declarations OPTION PARSE FALSE PROTO gtk_init PROTO gtk_window_new PROTO...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    TABS3 Example code: tabs3-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit -Wno-deprecated-declarations OPTION PARSE FALSE PROTO gtk_main_quit PROTO g_signal_connect_data PROTO gtk_button_new_with_label PROTO gtk_label_new PROTO gtk_notebook_new PROTO gtk_window_new...

  • big-bass big-bass posted a comment on a wiki page

    TABS3 Example code: tabs3-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit -Wno-deprecated-declarations OPTION PARSE FALSE PROTO gtk_main_quit PROTO g_signal_connect_data PROTO gtk_button_new_with_label PROTO gtk_label_new PROTO gtk_notebook_new PROTO gtk_window_new...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a wiki page


  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    ENTRY source code converted to PROTO Example code: entry-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit -Wno-deprecated-declarations OPTION PARSE FALSE PROTO gtk_init PROTO gtk_window_new...

  • big-bass big-bass posted a comment on a wiki page

    ENTRY source code converted to PROTO Example code: entry-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit -Wno-deprecated-declarations OPTION PARSE FALSE PROTO gtk_init PROTO gtk_window_new...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a wiki page


  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    TOGGLE-SPINNER Example code: toggle-spinner-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit -Wno-deprecated-declarations OPTION PARSE FALSE PROTO gtk_init PROTO gtk_window_new PROTO gtk_main PROTO gtk_main_quit PROTO g_signal_connect_data PROTO gtk_container_add...

  • big-bass big-bass posted a comment on a wiki page

    TOGGLE-SPINNER Example code: toggle-spinner-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit -Wno-deprecated-declarations OPTION PARSE FALSE PROTO gtk_init PROTO gtk_window_new PROTO gtk_main PROTO gtk_main_quit PROTO g_signal_connect_data PROTO gtk_container_add...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a wiki page


  • big-bass big-bass modified a wiki page


  • big-bass big-bass modified a wiki page


  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    MENU2 Image menus, removed the mnemonics & accelerators to make it easier to compile Example code: menu2-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit -Wno-deprecated-declarations OPTION PARSE FALSE...

  • big-bass big-bass posted a comment on a wiki page

    MENU2 Image menus, removed the mnemonics & accelerators to make it easier to compile Example code: menu2-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit -Wno-deprecated-declarations OPTION PARSE FALSE...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    TABS3 Example code: tabs3-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit -Wno-deprecated-declarations OPTION PARSE FALSE PROTO gtk_main_quit PROTO g_signal_connect_data PROTO gtk_button_new_with_label PROTO gtk_label_new PROTO gtk_notebook_new PROTO gtk_window_new...

  • big-bass big-bass posted a comment on a wiki page

    TABS3 Example code: tabs3-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit -Wno-deprecated-declarations OPTION PARSE FALSE PROTO gtk_main_quit PROTO g_signal_connect_data PROTO gtk_button_new_with_label PROTO gtk_label_new PROTO gtk_notebook_new PROTO gtk_window_new...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    TOGGLE-SPINNER Example code: toggle-spinner-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit -Wno-deprecated-declarations OPTION PARSE FALSE PROTO gtk_init PROTO gtk_window_new PROTO gtk_main PROTO gtk_main_quit PROTO g_signal_connect_data PROTO gtk_container_add...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    TOGGLE-SPINNER Example code: toggle-spinner-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit -Wno-deprecated-declarations OPTION PARSE FALSE PROTO gtk_init PROTO gtk_window_new PROTO gtk_main PROTO gtk_main_quit PROTO g_signal_connect_data PROTO gtk_container_add...

  • big-bass big-bass posted a comment on a wiki page

    TOGGLE-SPINNER Example code: toggle-spinner-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit -Wno-deprecated-declarations OPTION PARSE FALSE PROTO gtk_init PROTO gtk_window_new PROTO gtk_main PROTO gtk_main_quit PROTO g_signal_connect_data PROTO gtk_container_add...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a wiki page


  • big-bass big-bass modified a wiki page


  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    CHECK how to convert official examples to Simplified embedded gtk ones in BaCon using this official example code as the reference Example code: check-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    Embed GTK3 and GTK2 in BaCon updated to work on mint 20.1 xfce 64bit 2021 Summary Convert GTK3 and GTK2 official examples to BaCon The official site is The official forum is Getting started with sample widgets Most of the examples have been converted from the gtk3 official examples ported to BaCon code as a reference only to make it easier to see how to code it with BaCon and there are more demos here Page 2 demos Page 3 demos...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    Embed GTK3 and GTK2 in BaCon updated to work on mint 20.1 xfce 64bit 2021 Summary Convert GTK3 and GTK2 official examples to BaCon The official site is The official forum is Getting started with sample widgets Most of the examples have been converted from the gtk3 official examples ported to BaCon code as a reference only to make it easier to see how to code it with BaCon and there are more demos here Page 2 demos [Page 3 demos]

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    Embed GTK3 and GTK2 in BaCon updated to work on mint 20.1 xfce 64bit 2021 Summary Convert GTK3 and GTK2 official examples to BaCon The official site is The official forum is Getting started with sample widgets Most of the examples have been converted from the gtk3 official examples ported to BaCon code as a reference only to make it easier to see how to code it with BaCon and there are more demos here Page 2 demos

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    Embed GTK3 and GTK2 in BaCon updated to work on mint 20.1 xfce 64bit 2021 Summary Convert GTK3 and GTK2 official examples to BaCon The official site is The official forum is Getting started with sample widgets Most of the examples have been converted from the gtk3 official examples ported to BaCon code as a reference only to make it easier to see how to code it with BaCon and there are more demos here

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    Embed GTK3 and GTK2 in BaCon updated to work on mint 20.1 xfce 64bit 2021 Summary Convert GTK3 and GTK2 official examples to BaCon The official site is The official forum is Getting started with sample widgets Most of the examples have been converted from the gtk3 official examples ported to BaCon code as a reference only to make it easier to see how to code it with BaCon

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    PROGRESS This is how to add a timeout to GTK3 and use it with PROTO now the progressbar auto updates automatically there wasn't a complete simple example so I had to make one I had to add a few void* casts for 64 bit machines Example code: progress-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work with 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER...

  • big-bass big-bass posted a comment on a wiki page

    PROGRESS This is how to add a timeout to GTK3 and use it with PROTO now the progressbar auto updates automatically there wasn't a complete simple example so I had to make one and notice pointer free code Example code: progress-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work with 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc OPTION PARSE...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    SPINBUTTON3 original code ported and modified] Example code: spinbutton-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc OPTION PARSE FALSE PROTO gtk_label_set_text PROTO gtk_container_add PROTO gtk_container_set_border_width...

  • big-bass big-bass posted a comment on a wiki page

    SPINBUTTON3 original code ported and modified] Example code: spinbutton-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc OPTION PARSE FALSE PROTO gtk_label_set_text PROTO gtk_container_add PROTO gtk_container_set_border_width...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    SWITCH Example code: switch-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit -Wno-deprecated-declarations OPTION PARSE FALSE PROTO gtk_init PROTO gtk_window_new PROTO gtk_main PROTO gtk_main_quit PROTO g_signal_connect_data PROTO gtk_container_add PROTO gtk_widget_show_all...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    SWITCH Example code: switch-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit -Wno-deprecated-declarations OPTION PARSE FALSE PROTO gtk_init PROTO gtk_window_new PROTO gtk_main PROTO gtk_main_quit PROTO g_signal_connect_data PROTO gtk_container_add PROTO gtk_widget_show_all...

  • big-bass big-bass posted a comment on a wiki page

    SWITCH Example code: switch-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit -Wno-deprecated-declarations OPTION PARSE FALSE PROTO gtk_init PROTO gtk_window_new PROTO gtk_main PROTO gtk_main_quit PROTO g_signal_connect_data PROTO gtk_container_add PROTO gtk_widget_show_all...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    TEXT another official example Example code: text-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit -Wno-deprecated-declarations OPTION PARSE FALSE PROTO gtk_init PROTO gtk_window_new PROTO...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    TEXT ![] another official example Example code: text-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    TEXT ![image] another official example Example code: text-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    TEXT another official example Example code: text-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit -Wno-deprecated-declarations OPTION PARSE FALSE PROTO gtk_init PROTO gtk_window_new PROTO...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    TEXT another official example Example code: text-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit -Wno-deprecated-declarations OPTION PARSE FALSE PROTO gtk_init PROTO gtk_window_new PROTO...

  • big-bass big-bass posted a comment on a wiki page

    TEXT another official example Example code: text-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit -Wno-deprecated-declarations OPTION PARSE FALSE PROTO gtk_init PROTO gtk_window_new PROTO...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    RADIO Example code: radio-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc OPTION PARSE FALSE PROTO gtk_init PROTO gtk_window_new PROTO gtk_main PROTO gtk_main_quit PROTO g_signal_connect_data PROTO gtk_box_set_homogeneous...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    RADIO Example code: radio-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc OPTION PARSE FALSE PROTO gtk_init PROTO gtk_window_new PROTO gtk_main PROTO gtk_main_quit PROTO g_signal_connect_data PROTO gtk_box_set_homogeneous...

  • big-bass big-bass posted a comment on a wiki page

    RADIO Example code: radio-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc OPTION PARSE FALSE PROTO gtk_init PROTO gtk_window_new PROTO gtk_main PROTO gtk_main_quit PROTO g_signal_connect_data PROTO gtk_box_set_homogeneous...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    SPINNER original code was not complete to show callbacks and a fully working example had to add callbacks , buttons and signals Example code: spinner-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    SPINNER original code was not complete to show callbacks and a fully working example had to add callbacks , buttons and signals Example code: spinner-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    SPINNER original code was not complete to show callbacks and a fully working example had to add callbacks , buttons and signals Example code: spinner-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit...

  • big-bass big-bass posted a comment on a wiki page

    SPINNER original code was not complete to show callbacks and a fully working example had to add callbacks , buttons and signals Example code: spinner-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA COMPILER gcc PRAGMA OPTIONS -Wno-implicit...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    Embed GTK3 and GTK2 in BaCon updated to 64bit Summary Convert GTK3 and GTK2 official examples to BaCon The official site is The official forum is I have several examples for embedding gtk in BaCon BaCon with GTK3 and GTK2 Examples any problems with gtk2 or gtk3 code please post errors here Getting started with sample widgets Most of the examples have been converted from the...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    Embed GTK3 and GTK2 in BaCon updated to 64bit Summary Convert GTK3 and GTK2 official examples to BaCon The official site is The official forum is I have several examples for embedding gtk in BaCon BaCon with GTK3 and GTK2 Examples any problems with gtk2 or gtk3 code please post errors here Getting started with sample widgets Most of the examples have been converted from the...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    CHECK how to convert official examples to Simplified embedded gtk ones in BaCon using the new PROTO option using this official example code as the reference Example code: check-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    CHECK how to convert official examples to Simplified embedded gtk ones in BaCon using the new PROTO option using this official example code as the reference ![image] Example code: check-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config...

  • big-bass big-bass posted a comment on a wiki page

    CHECK how to convert official examples to Simplified embedded gtk ones in BaCon using the new PROTO option using this official example code as the reference Example code: check-gtk3-proto.bac '--- updated to work wih 64 bit mint 20.1 April 26 2021 '--- set up for compiling embedded library GTK PRAGMA OPTIONS `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA LDFLAGS `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` PRAGMA INCLUDE <gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h> PRAGMA...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    Embed GTK3 and GTK2 in BaCon updated to 64bit Summary Convert GTK3 and GTK2 official examples to BaCon The official site is The official forum is I have several examples for embedding gtk in BaCon BaCon with GTK3 and GTK2 Examples any problems with gtk2 or gtk3 code please post errors here Getting started with sample widgets Most of the examples have been converted from the...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    Embed GTK3 and GTK2 in BaCon updated to 64bit Summary Convert GTK3 and GTK2 official examples to BaCon The official site is The official forum is I have several examples for embedding gtk in BaCon BaCon with GTK3 and GTK2 Examples any problems with gtk2 or gtk3 code please post errors here Getting started with sample widgets Most of the examples have been converted from the...

  • BaCon PROTO BaCon PROTO released /images/proto-demo-images/menu-gtk2-proto.png

  • BaCon PROTO BaCon PROTO released /images/proto-demo-images/fileselect-gtk2-proto.png

  • BaCon PROTO BaCon PROTO released /images/proto-demo-images/entry-gtk3-proto.png

  • BaCon PROTO BaCon PROTO released /images/proto-demo-images/check-gtk3-proto.png

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    Embed GTK3 and GTK2 in BaCon updated to 64bit Summary Convert GTK3 and GTK2 official examples to BaCon The official site is The official forum is I have several examples for embedding gtk in BaCon BaCon with GTK3 and GTK2 Examples any problems with gtk2 or gtk3 code please post errors here Getting started with sample widgets Most of the examples have been converted from the...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a wiki page


  • big-bass big-bass modified a wiki page


  • big-bass big-bass modified a wiki page


  • big-bass big-bass modified a wiki page


  • big-bass big-bass modified a wiki page


  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    Embed GTK3 and GTK2 in BaCon updated to 64bit Summary Convert GTK3 and GTK2 official examples to BaCon The official site is The official forum is I have several examples for embedding gtk in BaCon BaCon with GTK3 and GTK2 Examples any problems with gtk2 or gtk3 code please post errors here Getting started with sample widgets Most of the examples have been converted from the...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    Embed GTK3 and GTK2 in BaCon updated to 64bit Summary Convert GTK3 and GTK2 official examples to BaCon The official site is The official forum is I have several examples for embedding gtk in BaCon BaCon with GTK3 and GTK2 Examples any problems with gtk2 or gtk3 code please post errors here Getting started with sample widgets Most of the examples have been converted from the...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    Embed GTK3 and GTK2 in BaCon updated to 64bit Summary Convert GTK3 and GTK2 official examples to BaCon The official site is The official forum is I have several examples for embedding gtk in BaCon BaCon with GTK3 and GTK2 Examples any problems with gtk2 or gtk3 code please post errors here Getting started with sample widgets Most of the examples have been converted from the...

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    Embed GTK3 and GTK2 in BaCon Summary Convert GTK3 and GTK2 official examples to BaCon The official site is The official forum is I have several examples for embedding gtk in BaCon BaCon with GTK3 and GTK2 Examples any problems with gtk2 or gtk3 code please post errors here Getting started with sample widgets Most of the examples have been converted from the gtk3 official examples...

  • BaCon PROTO BaCon PROTO released /BaCon-PROTO/PROTO-GTK3-2021-64bit.tar.gz

  • big-bass big-bass modified a comment on a wiki page

    Embed GTK3 and GTK2 in BaCon Summary Convert GTK3 and GTK2 official examples to BaCon The official site is The official forum is I have several examples for embedding gtk in BaCon BaCon with GTK3 and GTK2 Examples any problems with gtk2 or gtk3 code please post errors here Getting started with sample widgets Most of the examples have been converted from the gtk3 official examples...


  • BaCon PROTO BaCon PROTO updated /bassix-browser-advanced-2.0.tar.gz

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