
how to advertise self as a BACNet device?

dan zhang
  • dan zhang

    dan zhang - 2009-06-05


    Pretty new at this stuff.  Browsed through the test program from downloaded source code.  It seems to be scanning a arbitrary list of remote devices and reading/writing to the properties. 

    But if we were to write an interface to the network as a device, what is the standard procedure to "advertise" or continuously broadcast ourselves to the network or central control system?  Does it make sense?

    In other words, how to do signal to the system what our device is and what info we may have that is significant to the system that they should monitor?  Or is there easier ways to communicate and achieve the same goal?

    Appreciate your time in advance.

  • Matthew Lohbihler

    You'd use an I-Am request on startup to notify other devices of your presence.

  • Dennis V McEnaney

    But to add to Matthew's answer; the "central control system" and/or peers upon the 'internetwork' can also use BACnet Standard provided mechanisms/'services' to (actively every now & again) poll for new devices and/or information for discovered devices, e.g. fire a 'Who-Is' (unconfirmed-service) rather than (only passively) wait for the receipt of 'I-Am's.

    So two heads sometimes (if not generally) being better than one, sometimes the joint benefit of both a push & poll approach might prove more beneficial, at least at certain times/after a long duration (- e.g. potentially accounting for the time-uncertain arrival of new devices as well as probably more likely picking up upon the equally uncertain restoration of recently faulty/'out-of-service' devices).


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