Steve Karg - 2017-06-26
c:>bacrp --help
Usage: bacrp device-instance object-type object-instance property [index]
BACnet Device Object Instance number that you are
trying to communicate to.  This number will be used
to try and bind with the device using Who-Is and
I-Am services.  For example, if you were reading
Device Object 123, the device-instance would be 123.

The object type is the integer value of the enumeration
BACNET_OBJECT_TYPE in bacenum.h.  It is the object
that you are reading.  For example if you were
reading Analog Output 2, the object-type would be 1.

This is the object instance number of the object that
you are reading.  For example, if you were reading
Analog Output 2, the object-instance would be 2.

The property is an integer value of the enumeration
BACNET_PROPERTY_ID in bacenum.h.  It is the property
you are reading.  For example, if you were reading the
Present Value property, use 85 as the property.

This integer parameter is the index number of an array.
If the property is an array, individual elements can
be read.  If this parameter is missing and the property
is an array, the entire array will be read.

If you want read the Present-Value of Analog Output 101
in Device 123, you could send the following command:
bacrp 123 1 101 85
If you want read the Priority-Array of Analog Output 101
in Device 123, you could send the following command:
bacrp 123 1 101 87

Please indicate which terms in the help example are confusing, or indicate what you are trying to read.


Last edit: Steve Karg 2017-06-26