I am a student and tested your bacnetstack on my beaglebone black. It was great I downloded them and compiled them and the demo works fine. But where I can improve it for my issue, to control directly the gpio's from the BBB?
I saw in the folder demo/objects that there are several files for the bi/bo/ai/ao.. etc. I played a little bit with them and found out that I can change the quantity of the inputs/outputs. But I don't exactly found the position where I can getting access to the SysFs points of the linux system (I mean the GPIOs).
My aim is to handle the inputs/outputs for my project. switch on / off the light at home and also getting analog values from i2c-bus via bacnet.
Any help are welcome and I am sorry, its the first time that I am working with bacnet.
Review the demo/piface/main.c to see one method (of many) for controlling and reading GPIO using the demo/object/ of your choice.