
Send to broadcast?

  • Crystal Pantome

    Crystal Pantome - 2021-10-26

    New to using these command line tools. Is there a tool in this package that
    I can use to write to multiple devices at once? Either globally or per
    segment. Say I had 60 of the same device that all needed a specific point
    (Anolouge-Input 5) updated to a specific value?

    • Steve Karg

      Steve Karg - 2021-10-28

      The BACnet standard prohibits devices from receiving a broadcast confirmed message (such as WriteProperty or WritePropertyMultiple) - so although a client could send the message, it would be dropped.

      There is a BACnet service for MIRV (Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicle) as my friend Steve would call it when we proposed it - WriteGroup and Channel objects, but not all devices support this relatively new service and object. For what it's worth - I originally called it the Multiplexor object, but I think the name change to Channel suits it better.

      You can add the command line tools to a script language like Python or BASH or even BAT files to write to multiple devices.


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