
intristic reporting in ai.c

  • Miroslav Novotny


    I am looking at the implementation of intristic reporting in ai.c in function "void Analog_Input_Intrinsic_Reporting(
    uint32_t object_instance)" and I am confused.

    I have 135-2012 bacnet book and according to the book Event_Enable bits are not used for Event_State_Detection (13.2.2)
    but this function does use them.(first switch statement)

    For example I understand that the Event Time Stamps for transitions should be updated even if Event_Enable bits are all OFF.(F,F,F) - Transaction Actions

    According to the book the Event_Enable bits are used for Event-Notification-Distribution (13.2.5).
    That would be done somewhere later in the function (SendNotify block?).

    Am I right or missing something?

  • Miroslav Novotny


    I have learned that alarms have changed in addendum 135-2010af

    It is public and available here:

    This is to answer my previous post. As far as I can see events in this addenda and my book are the same.

    So what I am describing below is from the addenda.

    I have changed the code in ai.c (and elsewhere) so it matches 13.2.2 p.95 Event-State-Detection and added the fault detection.

    I would like confirmation for the Event-Notification-Distribution 13.2.5 p.100 for sending the Event_Type change-of-reliability as per table 13-X2 and 13-X3.

    I am attaching my wireshark message, which very often crashes BACEye, even it acknowledges it.

    Is my message (attached) correct?

    If I know my code is correct I am happy to post the changes so it can be included in bacnet stack.

    Thank you.


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