Ørjan Mathisen - 2020-04-29

I'm currently runing a project where we have a virtual server (Windows server 2016). On this server we are using Webfactory studio for hosting central operation controll. We are using BACnet protocol on our server, and we are have a connection from a WLAN in a building (customers building) to our server. When browsing the network with Yabe (Yet another BACnet explorer) I can find all the components via Foreign device registration (BMMD host). I'm using a Siemens PXC as BBMD. In the other end we have a Webfactori i4Scada with BACcand and Bacstac. When browsing from WF I can find simulated BACnet object on the server, but I cannon browse the other network (WLAN).
Can someone help me out here?