
Read Property Device Char or Bit String error

  • jtnum

    jtnum - 2016-07-05

    I have the MSTP operating as a slave.
    In order to get the Device read property to work, I had to change a statement in:

    demo\handler\ h_rp.c ver 0.8.3
    handler_read_property() at around line 112
    rpdata.object_instance was not getting set

    Code block
    / Test for case of indefinite Device object instance /
    if ((rpdata.object_type == OBJECT_DEVICE) &&
    (rpdata.object_instance == BACNET_MAX_INSTANCE)) {
    rpdata.object_instance = Device_Object_Instance_Number();
    The statement was
    rpdata.object_instance == BACNET_MAX_INSTANCE
    changed to
    rpdata.object_instance != BACNET_MAX_INSTANCE

    When trying to implement the properties that require Character or Bit Strings, VTS displayed the error message:
    “Missing required tag: expected Character String got closing[3]
    In trying to minimize, I made have cut something that I shouldn’t have.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks for your help.

  • Steve Karg

    Steve Karg - 2016-08-24

    The case for indefinite Device object instance is required by BACnet, so that statement should not have been changed.

    Without knowing which code snippet you used for properties that require Character or Bit strings, and without seeing a Wireshark capture, I'm not sure what to suggest. The code in most of the demos is valid and works correctly as-is in fielded products.


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