

  • Miroslav Novotny

    Hello Steve, hello everyone,
    there seem to be quite some hype about BACnet SC,
    it looks like it will be a must to go forward, are there any plans for BACnet SC to get included in the stack?
    Are you aware of any (free) tools that can be used for development/testing? I was looking at YABE, VTS but there is no bacnet SC yet.

  • Steve Karg

    Steve Karg - 2021-02-22

    Yes, there are plans (no timeline) to add a BACnet/SC BVLL to the BACnet stack C code (should be similar structure to the existing bvlc.c and bvlc6.c modules).

    In the BACnet IT working group, we have been working to specify BACnet/SC support into Network Port object, but that is not standard yet. When published, we'll have a standard method to configure BACnet/SC devices, and perhaps an opportunity for us to create a command line BACnet/SC config tool.

    BACnet International (runs Plugfest and BTL and other BACnet advocacy) has a BACnet/SC early adopter program that vendors can purchase, which includes a BACnet/SC testing portal. Their original intention was to eventually have an open source reference design for BACnet/SC. However, in our case, since the current BACnet/SC reference code is written in Java (multithreaded, exceptions), it is not easily portable to C.

  • Thomas Johansen

    Thomas Johansen - 2022-08-01


    Is there any status on Bacnet/SC support?


  • F. Chaxel

    F. Chaxel - 2022-12-11


    Now Yabe is BACnet/SC ready for both hub connection and direct connect mode and both TLS and unencrypted mode.


  • Dennis V McEnaney

    @fchaxel Hi, thanks for the notification. Which version is that for?

  • F. Chaxel

    F. Chaxel - 2022-12-22


    The last one 1.3.0 with setup tool is OK on Win11 but TLS1.2 seems to be not supported on Win10 with .NET 4.8. For that, if the server accept TLS1.2 you can go to the source code in Yabe\Latestbin to get version 1.3.1 (soon as a setup installer).


  • Simon Han

    Simon Han - 2024-01-03

    great ,thank all of you


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