
Bulls And Bears / News: Recent posts

Changing to JAVA

I am learning Java and may soon port BAB to Java.

Posted by Sabarinath 2002-09-11

0.0.2 Released

Bulls and Bears 0.0.2

(1) The splash screen is not being distrubuted as it is not currently in use but if you want is download
(2) The events engine has been made,to see it work
(i)run the program in VB itself
(ii)When you reach the main screen(one with menu (frmmain) ) press Ctrl + P
or select pause game from Game menu
(iii) Call gEvents.CallEvent(NUM,entcompany,"ID")
Where NUM is a number B/W (1 and 6)and ID is a game company ID
try other combinations but it may cause some errors
(3) To see how news works do (i) and (ii) of above and
call gNews.publish enteconomy,"YOUR OWN STATEMENT"
and watch FrmMain
You can inclde %Place% in your statement amd see what happens... read more

Posted by Sabarinath 2002-08-26

First Ever Release Of BAB

First ever release of bab released
the game is not yet playable but the economy is up and running. Any comments are welcome

Posted by Sabarinath 2002-07-20