
Azúl CMS / News: Recent posts

Change of base code

Upon having revisited my code after a long downtime and change of countries (I am now in the UK for school), I realized the original CMS was one hack after another after another. Therefore, I have completely rewritten the base code for the CMS. Once I upload what essentially amounts to version 0.5a(Alpha), I will remove the old source from sourceforge. No one needs to see it.

Posted by ocdude 2006-10-13

First alpha release

After about a month and a half of work, I finally have the 0.1a release ready! It is mostly feature complete, but I still have a few things to implement, such as custom css themes and language packs. Give it a try, but I give no guarantee that it will work 100%

Posted by ocdude 2006-08-06

Project begun

I am bringing my code up from static PHP pages to being served by mySQL. The process is long, but it's coming along.

Posted by ocdude 2006-07-17