
Azureus Autopilot Plugin / News: Recent posts

0.5.0 Released

You may download 0.5.0 here:

Changes for this version:
Feature: Core | Ability to remove and optionally delete the torrent when seeding is complete
Feature: Core | Ability to supress max seed conditional if ratio is not met
Change : UI | Seed conditional column now displays infinity sign when disabled
Change : UI | Configuration panel and modify dialog updated for new features
BugFix : UI | Better handling when config panel throws an exception during generation
BugFix : Core | Other minor changes for better exception handling... read more

Posted by Carl Lewis 2005-07-12

0.4.0 config panel issue resolved

Sources from the CVS version of 0.4.0 has been corrupted somehow, where built binaries prevent the configuration panel from being properly registered with Azureus.

The initial jar release on sourceforge was built from these sources, so users exibiting this issue please re-download AutoPilot as it has now been corrected.

Sorry for the inconvience.

Posted by Carl Lewis 2005-07-04

AutoPilot moved to SourceForge

After exclusive releases to Azureus' plugin development forum, AutoPilot has been moved to its own project page. This was done to facilitate the growth and awareness of the plugin to users who do not peruse Azureus' forums.

CVS has also been setup with the latest copy of the source, which will update as the code matures. Source code for releases may also be found within the JAR file, as always.

Posted by Carl Lewis 2005-07-01