
AWStats 7.0 beta is ready

The beta version of AWStats 7.0 is available.
This beta should last between 1 to 2 month before the release.
Feel free to report any problems to me directly at

This is the changelog :

New features/improvements:
- Detect Windows 7.
- Can format numbers according to language.
- More mime types.
- Added geoip_asn_maxmind plugin.
- Geoip Maxmind city plugin have now override file capabilities to complete
missing entries in geoip maxmind database.
- Added graphgooglechartapi to use online Google chart api to build graph.
- Can show map of country to report countries when using graphgooglechartapi.
- Part of codes was change to use more functions and have a cleaner code.
- Added parameter to ignore missing log files when merging for a site on
multiple servers where a single server may not have created a log for a given day.
- Update robots database.
- Added Download tracking where certain mime types are defined as downloads
and HTTP status 206 is tracked as download continuation

Thanks to Chris Larsen (author of most thoses changes).

- Webmin module works with new version of webmin.
- Security fix.

Posted by Laurent Destailleur (Eldy) 2012-10-11

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