
AWStats 5.6 Beta is ready

AWStats 5.6 Beta is ready

I am pleased to announce that AWStats 5.6 beta is ready.

Version 5.6 is an update that fix minor bugs and add new features.

This new version is for the moment a beta version. If you look for a stable version, please use 5.5.

You can download 5.6 beta from AWStats official web site:
Beta version is available in tgz package only.


- Domain with no pages hits were always reported as other in domain chart.
- percent for other in full list of "links for internet search engines"
has been fixed.

New features/improvments:
- Report compression ratios with mod_deflate feature (Apache 2).
- A better browser detection.
- Can add regex values for a lot of list parameters (HostAliases, SkipDNSLookupFor, ...)
- StyleSheet parameter works completely now and sample of CSS files are provided.
- Add meta tags robots noindex,nofollow to avoid indexing of stats pages by compliant robots.
- Added a "Miscellanous chart" to report ratio of Browsers that support: Java, Flash, Real reader, Quicktime reader, WMA reader, PDF reader.
- "Miscellanous chart" also report the "Add to favourites" (must remove the "robots.txt" and "favicon.ico" entries off your SkipFiles parameter in your config file to have this feature working.
- Update process now try a direct access at last updated record when a new update is ran. If it fails (file changed or wrong checksum of record), then it does a scan from the beginning of file until a new date has been reached (This was the only way of working on older version). So now update process is very much faster for thoose who don't purge/rotate their log file between two update process (direct access is faster than full scan).
- Better look for report pages on Netscape/Mozilla browsers.

- Updated documentation.
- Update wap/imode browser list.

Note 1:
You should remove the "robots.txt" and "favicon.ico" entries in the SkipFiles parameter in your config files after updgrading to 5.6.

Posted by Laurent Destailleur (Eldy) 2012-10-11

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