Michael Felt - 2015-03-10

:) I suppose if I understood them they would not be abnormalities - but here goes.

I have figured out (then later found a description here) how to add a file type to the Downloads Section. Before that I added a new section to get the information. This are both working - but report very different totals.

I see very different totals for site overall, Downloads, and my added section. Thinking about it - it may be due to bot traffic (which could explain the much higher value in the added section, assuming it does not remove bot requests by default).

I have changed many things - and I think I understand the delta's are caused by robot/spider scan yes/no - so two questions.

  1. Have I somehow turned off the summary of non-viewed bw in the overall summaries?
  2. Can I disable/split viewed/dont-care in an additional section?

Example via: http: // p5.aixtools.net / awstats / awstats.pl?config=dl.aixtools.net

p.s. split the URL to lessen, i hope, bot traffic

p.p.s. - Additional point, perhaps a bug - awstats is showing/counting lots of php related pages, but I only have several downloads related to php in a subdirectory named php (/php/ and /tools/php/). It seems asif these are getting counted as .php - which they are not.


Last edit: Michael Felt 2015-03-10