It would really be nice to have the database access
layer abstracted to allow the use of other than MySQL.
For example, my company has a standard to use Oracle
for production databases, and the M$ apologists in my
group begrudgingly accept applications which run on
HP-UX. Any mention of Linux starts big flames.
Since I have PHP working on HP-UX, and it's able to
access Oracle databases, I would be able to get them to
accept the use of AWOL if it included an Oracle-capable
database abstraction.
I suggest the use of the ADODB abstraction layer; see:
I don't really have the time to attempt the abstraction
myself, but if it were done, I might be able to help
test on a variety of platforms/databases:
Oracle on HP-UX
Sybase on HP-UX
MySQL on Linux
PostgreSQL on Linux
(I'm due to get an SGI Indy box soon, so may be able to
help there, too.)