
#37 How to uninstall/reinstall the avr-eclipse plugin

Kurt Feusi

after installing a Eclipse workbench, I installed the avr-eclipse plugin. The plugin did not show on the Plugin page (only on installed Software). I did uninstall all possible eclipse SW (first on the Eclipse Install page, then the rest with Linux SW-Manager (running LinuxMint 17.1). I did not see any uninstallable reference to the avr-eclipse plugin however. So it seems that the plugin was still installed.
After a new (cleaner) installation of the Eclipse-CDT I tried to install the avr-eclipse plugin again.
However the following message apeared:

Cannot complete the request. See the error log for details.
"AVR Eclipse Plugin" will be ignored because it is already installed.

When looking in Help -> Install new Software.. -> what is already installed
in the "Installed Software" tab "AVR Eclipse Plugin" is visible
in the Plug-ins tab no reference to avr eclipse plugin is visible

When trying to configure the plugin in the Window -> Preference tab no avr plugin is visible.
I'm not able to uninstall and reinstall the plugin. In the "Eclipse Platform Installation Details" the AVR Eclipse Plugin is visible, but the "Uninstall" button is not active.

How can I correctly uninstall and reinstall this plugin? In which directory gets this plugin installed?
attached see the Eclipse Configuration.

Thank you very much for further help.
Very kind regards

1 Attachments


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