
avoCADo 07.03 preAlpha released!

avoCADo, the new open source 3D CAD program for engineers and artists alike, is now available for download.

Following the philosophy of "release early, release often" I have decided to go ahead and release avoCADo, even though its functionality is currently very limited. However, I do feel that the application gives a good sense for what could be to come if the community is excited about a new direction in open source 3D CAD.

Please feel free to download avoCADo and give it a try. The program is just getting started so input from users and interested developers would be greatly appreciated! If open source CAD excites you and you would like to see avoCADo grow, consider becoming an active member of the community by posting to the forums, contributing to the wiki (now up and running!), and submitting feature requests and/or bug reports.

I am looking forward to getting valuable feedback from the community of excited users and developers of avoCADo!

- Adam


Posted by Adam Kumpf 2007-03-26

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