
Avian Project 1.0 Released

Version 1.0 of the Avian project is ready for general distribution. If you're interested in parallel programing in Java but you're tired of (or unsure of) the arcane exotica that goes along with it, try the Avian Parallel Computing project. It uses a nature-based model (flocks of birds) to make it easier to think and talk about parallel programs and encourages you to think about the partitioning the application into atomic tasks that can run in parallel (instead of worrying about locks and deadlocks).
It provides a GUI interface to start and stop birds (threads) and allows you to configure (and reconfigure) the birds as required. It also provides a parallel data-sharing framework based on Linda that simplifies the parallel programing processes. It makes coding the Dining Philosophers problem extremely simple. Real-time feedback on the activity of the birds, built in logging for each bird and each food object. It's all Java 6 code and was developed on NetBeans but we'll be moving to Java 7 right after JavaOne 2011.
It's a fun way to experiment with parallel programing.

Posted by Nelson Chamberlain 2011-09-29

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