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Kevin Cox

Searchbar Autosizer Preferences

All preferences are under extensions.autosizer.*

minwidth (int)

This is the minimum width the searchbar will be. This is usually effective when the searchbar is empty. The searchbar will always be at least the size of the search engine name.


  • -1: The searchbar will fit the search engine title.
  • >= 0: The minimum width in pixels.

maxwidth (int)

The maximum width the searchbar will expand to.


  • > 0: The maximum size of the searchbar in pixels.
  • 0: Maximum size is all the space available. The searchbar will expand to the largest size it can be without pushing anything off the screen.
  • -1: Maximum size is the maximum visible width. The searchbar will expand to the largest size it can be while staying completely visible.

popupwidth (int)

The size of the auto-complete popup.


  • > 0: The size in pixels
  • 0: Don't set it, let it be what it would be by default
  • -1: The popup will be the sive of the window.
  • <= -100: The popup will be the size of the searchbar plus the amount this value is less than -100 by. (width = widthOfSearchBar + (-100) - popupwidth)

sizeOn (string)

How to size the search bar.


  • "key" (or anything unreconized): Resize the searchbar on every keystroke.
  • "atonce": Resize the searchbar to maxsize on the first keypress.
  • "none": Don't resize the searchbar.

debug (bool)

If true log everything that we do to the console.

cleanOnSubmit (bool)

If true the searchbar will be cleared when a search is submited.

revertOnSubmit (bool)

If true the default engine (the top one) will be activated when a search is submited.

shrinkToButton (bool)

If true the searchbar will shrink to a button when a search is submited.


Wiki: Prefrences