
v0.94 - Enter the DHCP Server

Today with the help of Johan Hendriks, I added the DHCP server with Dynamic DNS updates to the mix.

The default range of IP's created during setup is from X.X.X.25 to X.X.X.250.

As a side note: In v0.93 I added a script used by the web admin pages that updates the Samba usermap file when a user is added or deleted from the system.

This allows a user to log in via their "Display Name" or "username".
i.e. Both "Adam Sweeney" or "adamsweeney" are valid usernames to the system.

Eventually with a lot of users this will slow down the process of adding/deleting users a bit, but it is worth it to me for those users who can not remember their usernames... Let's hope they can remember their Real Names....

Posted by Adam G. Sweeney 2009-04-28

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