
Automated SAMBA +LDAP / News: Recent posts

Things on the horizon.....

During the next few weeks I will be consumed with a move from Saint Louis to Chicago, so please don't expect to see any updates until mid June.

After I have gotten settled, I will begin the process of building the system on FreeBSD 7.2 (and bring back support for the i386 platform).

I have not taken much time out for the administration pages up to this point, but after I have completed the next round of I will shift my focus onto adding the rest of the pages. ... read more

Posted by Adam G. Sweeney 2009-05-21

WGS 0.95 Beta (AMD64 Only)

I have posted the ISO for the interim release dubbed "WGS" (for Workgroup Server).

This version has SAMBA +OpenLDAP (+ WWW) like all of the previous releases, but it also includes DHCP Server, DNS Server (w/Dynamic updates from DHCP), IMAP/POP3/SMTP servers.

I have configured the mail servers to authenticate from the OpenLDAP database using the existing Samba information. This means that if you have added a user for Samba, you have added a user for email without any further configuraton.... read more

Posted by Adam G. Sweeney 2009-04-29

Upcoming Release 0.9X

I am in the process of building the next version which will include Dovecot (From Ports w/LDAP Support), Postfix (From Ports w/LDAP support) & Roundcube (Webmail) to handle email on the server.

Additional changes include lighttpd moving to LDAP-Auth instead of the .htpasswd mechanism I am currently using. This also required building the package from ports.

To recap, we currently have:

Samba w/OpenLDAP backend (w/SSL Certs genterated during install)
BIND-DNS Server (w/DYN-Updates from DHCP)
Lighttpd (w/SSL Certs genterated during install)
"Basic" user/group management from WebGUI

Posted by Adam G. Sweeney 2009-04-29

v0.94 - Enter the DHCP Server

Today with the help of Johan Hendriks, I added the DHCP server with Dynamic DNS updates to the mix.

The default range of IP's created during setup is from X.X.X.25 to X.X.X.250.

As a side note: In v0.93 I added a script used by the web admin pages that updates the Samba usermap file when a user is added or deleted from the system.

This allows a user to log in via their "Display Name" or "username".
i.e. Both "Adam Sweeney" or "adamsweeney" are valid usernames to the system. ... read more

Posted by Adam G. Sweeney 2009-04-28

v0.91 - Web Administration

I am currently uploading the latest release (0.91) which includes basic support for adding/deleting/modifying users from the web interface.

Be sure to open httpS://<yourIP>:8443 to access the admin tools.

Posted by Adam G. Sweeney 2009-04-21

Backing up &amp; restoring your user database.

I have written to scripts for backing up your LDAP user database to an LDIF file
and for restoring a backup to a new install.

These utilities are included on the CD in the /$arch/cdsetup_tools/ directory.
They are also copied to your /root/ directory during installation.

Posted by Adam G. Sweeney 2009-04-11

1222 lines of shell script+12 Minutes=Server

After several revisions and a lot of changes, I finally have the installer script worked out to the point that I feel it is ready to roll.

If you can install FreeBSD 7.1 (Minimal Installation), mount a CDROM, enter a simple command to start the script, hit okay a few times and type a password, you can now build yourself a Samba PDC with an OpenLDAP backend in a matter of a few minutes.

Posted by Adam G. Sweeney 2009-04-09

The Unified Installer &amp; SVN Purge

Due to the fact that things were getting out of control managing separate versions for AMD64 and i386, I have combined both versions onto a single CDROM for all future versions.

I am in the process of SYNC'ing the SVN tree now.

The first revision of the "UNIFIED INSTALLER CD" will be posted tonight (04/08/2009).

Also, some versions of the CDROM ISO files were corrupted. These have been recreated and uploaded (Rev 3 and Rev 5).... read more

Posted by Adam G. Sweeney 2009-04-08

The 12 Minute Server Install.

I have been doing all of my testing of the script up to this point on the "mini-server" that has a Intel Atom 1.6Ghz based board in it.

Today in my efforts to validate the script on multiple machines, I ran it on an HP Pavilion (P4 3.0Ghz, 1Gb DDR, 250Gb SATA) and it completed in under 4 minutes.

Start to finish, bare metal to first SMB connection was 12 minutes including the installation of the OS (EVERYTHING was installed via FTP on a 20Mbit internet connection).... read more

Posted by Adam G. Sweeney 2009-04-04

Script Testing on FreeBSD 7.2-BETA

FreeBSD 7.1 BETA has hit the FTP servers and I am in the process of testing the script against it now. I will keep you updated!!!

Posted by Adam G. Sweeney 2009-04-03

The Automated SAMBA +LDAP ready for testing!!

The Automated SAMBA +LDAP project takes a "Minimal" installation of FreeBSD 7.1/AMD64 and installs and configures the entire system with minimal user interaction and leaves you with a fully functional Samba PDC with a LDAP back-end.

I am currently working on the web GUI for adding users. Until I have finished that, you must use smbldap-useradd from the command line to add users (see SVN for example script).... read more

Posted by Adam G. Sweeney 2009-03-30