
MS Excel OLE object in AutoCAD

Mark Antao
  • Mark Antao

    Mark Antao - 2008-07-17

    We have received an AutoCAD drawing (DWG) file containing an MS Excel OLE object embedded in it. We do not have MS Excel and are using Open Office 2.4.0 instead.

    Have installed AutomateIT and although the installation was successful, we are still receiving a "Failed to launch Server Application" error message, when we try to open the embedded OLE object.

    The desktop is running on MS Windows XP Professional SP3. Are we missing out on something?

    • ApriorIT

      ApriorIT - 2008-08-29

      Please send us AutomateIT!Log.log file, which you can find by path:
      "C:\Program Files\AutomateIT!\AutomateIT!Log.log"
      This will help us to detect the problem.


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