

Free SCV

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  • Free SCV

    Free SCV - 2013-01-11

    Welcome to Automated Voting! =)
    iVote, Open Vote, Automated Voting Machine, whatever's it's name, the goal here is to enable daily voting for Citizens!

    I could think of no one, NO ONE, I trust more than the GPL/Linux community for such a project. Leaders can't be trusted, Citizens are currently lost in term voting, the bulk sale of ALL the decision making, every 4-5 YEARS!!!

    It's simply not acceptable....I'll use my newbie skillz to gather help from those who believe, as I do, that Citizens voting alongside/OVER our Leaders in massive online petitions/iVotes is worth fighting for!!!

    You can rant all day about yer cat on Facebook but can't (yet) vote alongside your political "Leader"?? What's up with that??? :P

    • Brad Mullen

      Brad Mullen - 2013-01-12

      drop talking about iShit man i will not participate AT ANY LEVEL if it is on one page dude. even the CRapple software if im around will be REALVOTE A.V.M. or some NEUTRAL name... never create joinder in A: an opensource gig to something that is proprietary; and B: always go for a fresh start in the political world!! You never want some other entities stain on you because we created joinder with a name. ITS BIG! this is not just some looseball programmers forum... this is also a political stage!!! okay, wise up please!!!


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