


Hello, welcome to the AutoLoop wiki!

This project aims to create an automatically tuned magnetic loop antenna. The firts version will be developed to work with an ICOM IC-725, but the solutions should be quite general and the circuit and software should be adaptable to work with other radios.

For more information about the hardware please see the [Hardware] page on the wiki. The loop antenna im using will in the future be documented on the [LoopAntenna] page.

In the future, when version 1.0 of the project is completed there will also be a [UserManual].

The project will be created completely using open source tools so that anyone is free to modify an update the desigt for their own purposes! This [Tools used] page contains a list of the tools that i use and their respective versions.

This wiki is a work in progress, so there will be many sparse pages, but i will hopefully add more information as the project moves along. If you feel you want to join in on the project, please let me know!

Best Regards

Project Admins:


Wiki: Hardware
Wiki: Tools used