
Autogg - the Automatic Ogg Player / News: Recent posts

autogg 0.5.0

Changes since 0.4.2:
* it is now possible to delete items from the playlist
* an icon in the titlebar
* Session is saved when you exit

Posted by Magnar Johannessen Grřdem 2004-01-10

Autogg 0.4.2

Bugfix: There was a crash after playing a couple of tracks when using the fedora core 1 linux distribution.

Posted by Magnar Johannessen Grřdem 2003-12-07

Autogg 0.4.1

One bugfix and better documentation.

Posted by Magnar Johannessen Grřdem 2003-11-23

Autogg 0.4.0

A new and much better version of autogg is out, please download and compile...

The changes includes:
- better gui with hideable query/playlist
- Several scans can be made at the same time
- removing of scans from the list is fixed
- better sorting with reading of tracknumber tags
- A lot of bugfixes

Posted by Magnar Johannessen Grřdem 2003-11-16

Autogg 0.3

The third alpha release, now with the scanner and the player in the same window. Some bugfixes, including the one where the player would freeze.

Posted by Magnar Johannessen Grřdem 2003-08-21

Autogg 0.2

Better GUI with new pixmap buttons.
Fixed reading of tags with identifiers not in lowercase.
Some bugfixes.

Posted by Magnar Johannessen Grřdem 2003-07-28

Autogg 0.1

The first release of autogg. This release contains a usable player that has the ability to sort your music independent of any directory structure

Posted by Magnar Johannessen Grřdem 2003-07-26

Initial version in CVS

The player is on a very premature stage yet, but it can sort and play music. The source is available from CVS in module autogg. See the CVS section of the project page for instructions.

Posted by Magnar Johannessen Grřdem 2003-07-24