
The Automatic Clustering Project / News: Recent posts

Design Ideas

Thinking about it, some kind of modular design would be good, so you could update the system easily. You could then change kernels easily and change programs easily. You could them make CDs with various things on, like a 'Games' CD with loads of processor intensive games and a 'Programs' CD with loads of processor intensive tasks similar to the various distributed computing things avalable over the internet.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2001-04-20

General waffle

My mate (who thought up the idea, but is even more snowed under with GCSEs than me at the moment) has had an idea about developing the project. He sugguested that the required sources could be downloaded onto a server (with plenty of space) directly over the web, saving the need for lengthy downloads and uploads. He also sugguested that the server could be test booted with the ISO images it was storing, which is a good idea (in theory, at least!). Anybody got a spare server? :-)

Posted by Anonymous 2001-04-20

Initial Ideas

At a quick glance it seems like MOSIX ( or something similar would be the best technology to base the CD on. It's completly transparent, and so would be very simple to use. Any ideas on how to impliment it onto a bootable CD? :-)


Posted by Anonymous 2001-04-18