
AUGUI Framework / News: Recent posts

1.8 released

This is the first release fully supporting compositing windows as well as MacOS X for Intel.
Of course, non-compositing windows and MacOS X for PPC are still supported.

There is also partial support for GUI editing from the host, as well as for XML file description (instead of nib files) for the GUI.

Posted by Airy André 2006-02-11

Cocoa UI support

"augui" CVS has been updated to include very preliminary support for Cocoa AU GUI.
It does include two projects :
- one with the framework and an InterfaceBuilder palette
- another with a sample AU (based on Apple sample code)
All of these can be found in the "augui" directory

Posted by Airy André 2004-05-22

New "augui-support" Mailing List

A new mailing list for any question about "augui" use has been opened.
Click on "Lists" to subscribe.

Posted by Airy André 2004-02-01

1.7 released

augui 1.7 is released, corresponding to 1/2/2004 CVS.
This release mostly add Panther compatibility, and "MIDI Learn".
The sample code has been updated to demonstrate "MIDI Learn" and to pass Apple's AUValidator.

Posted by Airy André 2004-02-01

Future augui compatibility

The current CVS has been tagged as "augui16", as it does correspond to the 1.6 downloadable release.
Future "augui" version will probably be gcc 3.3 (or more)-only.
Please tell us if this is a problem for you.

Posted by Airy André 2003-09-11

First downloadable release

First downloadable release of AUGUIFramework.
Correspond to the 22/06/03 CVS state

Posted by Airy André 2003-06-22

Major additions : new controls and new features

Some new controls :
- TMeterControl : this is more or less like a slider, except that no "thumb" is not moved, but clipped according to its value. See it like a VU-meter-like indicator.
- TMultiPane : this is a container that dynamically change its content according to its value. Its content is build from nib file.
- new virtual Idle() added to CAUCarbonViewNib
- new virtual HandleCommand() to deal with control commands
- new background caching and compositing method that should make controls redrawing faster
And a few other things...

Posted by Airy André 2003-03-21

New transparent edit text control

A new, recently checked in control class is the TTransparentEditText control. It provides most of the functionality of a standard Carbon unicode edit text control, but will allow the background to show through. This makes it possible to use on non-solid backgrounds, coloured backgrounds, or with non-rectangular edit boxes. It is still in development, but additions are being checked in every day. See the header documentation for notes on how to use it.

Posted by Chris Reed 2003-03-05

New non-blocking mouse tracking method and better slider

The CVS repository has been updated with a new non-blocking mouse tracking method, and the slider tracker method has been enhanced

Posted by Airy André 2003-02-16