This project Wiki will document the progress of the project and usage of the tools.
August 7, 2011 I have begun [Beta] planning.
The first alpha is bare bones for sure. No Gui, not even all the functions yet. But I did get the basic Cmdlets up here. I am using this version to manage about 30Gb of files... other than the initial import which has to read all 30Gb the cmdlets are nice and responsive.
I haven't put the functions into the module yet so all the commands depend on knowing basic PS commands for grepping the filesystem and so on - get-childitem, etc.
By default the database will be in your user's AppData\Roaming directory and named USERNAME.db3. The commands take a parameter to override the filename.
None of the commands have documentation written for the yet. However, Get-Help CMDLET-NAME
will give you the basic syntax by default.
On the home page I mentioned some potential workarounds to the Windows-only PowerShell requirement. I have just investigated the Pash project and it appears largely unimplemented. I could not get the simple built in Cmdlets such as Get-ChildItem to function and the System.Management.Automation dll appears to be a PowerShell v1 dll. So, I think the project restrictions on using the Window OS stands, unless anyone can point me to a project that does implement PS on non-Windows platforms.
What does the module look like? The [Synopsis] contains several examples of its use:
Import module,
ipmo AudioBackup
List available commands,
Get-Module AudioBackup
Create new library, default location,
Populate library,
Get-ChildItem C:\Music -Rec -Inc *.mp3,*.aac,*.aa3,*.m4a,*.wma | Add-AudioFile
Read contents of library,
Get-AudioFile | Format-Table -GroupBy Artist
Output list of files needing to be backed up,
Backup-AudioFile | %{ $_.FullName } | Out-File C:\files-to-backup.txt
Read contents of backup media into library,
Get-ChildItem D:\ -Rec -Inc *.mp3,*.aac,*.aa3,*.m4a,*.wma | Add-AudioFile
Update existing library file with changes on your harddrive (after removal/edit of an mp3),