
tulip 4.5 and Tree visualization

  • dtphan89

    dtphan89 - 2014-04-24

    Hello everyone,

    I'm new to Tulip so I'd really appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction here.

    What i have is two big .csv files containing edge and node information of an oriented tree. For each node there's a field indicating its coordinate on the X-axis. We also know which level a node belongs to.

    How can I visualize them, if possible, in a way that correctly depicts these 2 information (level and location)?

    Thanks in advance,

  • Adam Miller

    Adam Miller - 2014-04-24

    You know at what level a node belongs in the tree? By that, do you mean that you know precisely where in the tree be belongs, as in to what parent and with what edges?

    Yeah, in tulip, if you want to set the exact coordinates through the python interface, you can use viewLayout = g.getLayoutProperty("viewLayout")

    and then for any node you add with g = tlp.newGraph(), n = g.addNode(), you can do viewLayout[n]=tlp.Coord(x,y,z)

    Otherwise, you can apply algorithms and layouts like so:

    g.applyLayoutAlgorithm("Perfect aspect ratio", viewLayout)

    (go through tulip perspective and check out what tree layouts you like, replace p.a.r. with that)


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