
Does Tulip support graph splatting?

  • tidana

    tidana - 2020-05-20

    There is a video that demonstrates graph splatting in Tulip, but I can't
    find the option in the current version (5.4.0 Ubuntu). Here is the video:

    I searched the documentation for graph splatting, but I couldn't find it

    If Tulip supports graph splatting, please let me know how I can access it.


  • Patrick Mary

    Patrick Mary - 2020-05-20

    Graph splatting is implemented through a non standard Node-Link Diagram interactor whose code has not yet been ported on Tulip 5.4 version.
    We will do our best to make it available in the next version of Tulip.

  • tidana

    tidana - 2020-05-20

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    Is you implementatioin from this paper or you are using a different algorithm?

  • Melançon Guy

    Melançon Guy - 2020-05-23

    Hi tidana,
    I happen to know what's in the paper by van Liere and van de Leeuw (I was their office mate when working at CWI in Amsterdam :-). I believe the graph splatting technique implemented in Tulip is far more general, although the basic principle is the same: go from a discretization of a surface to a surface using gaussian kernels. More generally, colleagues in our team have explored quite a number of rendering approaches more or less inspired from splatting. Hope this helps.

  • tidana

    tidana - 2020-05-25

    Melançon, that is so cool.

    I have a research project that is related to the graph splatting tenchnique. I was hoping to find an implementation so that I can avoid reimplementing and save some time. I didn't even bother to email the authors about their implementation, because it has been almost 20 years since they published it.


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