
3D graphs

  • e.perinelli

    e.perinelli - 2015-11-06

    Hi everybody,

    this piece of software is very interesting, having tried it for a couple hours i've not been able to create tridimensional arrangements for the nodes

    is it possible or the nodes are confined to a 2D plane?

    thanks in advance


  • Melançon Guy

    Melançon Guy - 2015-11-07

    Hi e,

    I'm happy you like the software, I like it too and use it quite a lot on an everyday basis.

    Nodes can indeed be laid out in 3D, nodes are assigned coordinates using a LayoutProperty which stires Coord objects having attributes X, Y and Z. The 3D layout can then be navigated using different key combinations (I would be able to remember I am not fond of 3D and never use it to be honest).


  • e.perinelli

    e.perinelli - 2015-11-08

    Thank you Guy,

    no problem for the navigation, it's a very good news you give me about the 3D, could you also point me to an example?



    Last edit: e.perinelli 2015-11-08

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