
Compile tulip 4.6 on Ubuntu 14.04

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  • Alain L'Hostis

    Alain L'Hostis - 2014-10-03

    I have downloaded sources of Tulip 4.6 today and have followed the instructions provided in the file 'INSTALL.linux'.
    I have installed the missing dependency of doxygen for the doc, fine.
    the problem is that I observe some errors in the CMAKE (and then in the 'make' and 'make install') :
    cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Wno-dev

    pacckage 'quazip' not found
    Could NOT find Sphinx (missing: SPHINX_EXECUTABLE)

    this relates to parts of the software and not of some external dependencies.
    thanks for helping

  • Adam Miller

    Adam Miller - 2014-10-03

    Have you tried my install script over at ??

    If that works better for you, please take notes as you go through the install process and we can keep that script updated, it doesn't make sense for people to ever have to do this stuff manually.

    By the way, the package names change between versions of ubuntu, but essentially you need what it names.

  • Alain L'Hostis

    Alain L'Hostis - 2014-10-03

    Hello Adam,
    tell me where should I copy and run your script?
    I tried into the following location:

    but it failed with the same error:
    WARNING:root:could not open file '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/local.list'


    Last edit: Alain L'Hostis 2014-10-03
  • Adam Miller

    Adam Miller - 2014-10-03

    I think I put at ~/workspace/TulipDevSetup/

    just do:

    cd ~/workspace
    git clone ...
    cd TulipDevSetup
    sudo ./

    (sudo required in order to install packages)

    Please make error notes as you go along, and save your complete shell history so that I can make the script as seamless and error free as possible.

  • Alain L'Hostis

    Alain L'Hostis - 2014-10-03

    you confuse me...
    I was able to download the script, and the sources but in which location should I run the script on my machine?

  • Adam Miller

    Adam Miller - 2014-10-03

    The script downloads the sources for you; it doesn't assume anything about a pre-configured environment, it just goes from zero up.

    You should cd to ~/workspace/TulipDevSetup, or whatever directory you cloned the repo into. You should be able to run it from within that actual directory.

  • Alain L'Hostis

    Alain L'Hostis - 2014-10-03

    ok, tried from zero in a new directory
    copied there ''
    get there and checked the presence of the script with 'ls'
    typed sudo ./
    'sudo: ./ command not found'

  • Adam Miller

    Adam Miller - 2014-10-03

    Shouldn't have to move anywhere, it should just work from the directory, (unless by copy you mean "cloned the git repo")

    Anyway, you have to give the script execute permissions or else sudo does not see the file.

    chmod u+x ./ && sudo ./

  • Alain L'Hostis

    Alain L'Hostis - 2014-10-03

    ok, did that and now:
    ./ 6: ./ Syntax error: newline unexpected

    ps i downloaded the file '' from the web on you site and did not downloaded it through git which I do not know...


    Last edit: Alain L'Hostis 2014-10-03
  • Adam Miller

    Adam Miller - 2014-10-03

    Hmm, it works on my end. What shell are you using? I like zsh.

  • Alain L'Hostis

    Alain L'Hostis - 2014-10-03

    was using the classical terminal of Ubuntu
    now trying with zsh...
    exactly the same error:
    ./ 6: ./ Syntax error: newline unexpected

  • Adam Miller

    Adam Miller - 2014-10-03

    I'll have to check it out when I get home, at work right now and my linux machine doesn't have network access, but I'll do my best to update it.

  • Adam Miller

    Adam Miller - 2014-10-03

    You know what, I'm thinking that I just want to opt for a configuration as a service and just offer an amazon AMI... would you be interested in that or another cloud platform? I can shell into my amazon machine and just do a svn up and rebuild there. What do you think?

  • Alain L'Hostis

    Alain L'Hostis - 2014-10-03

    if it would allow me to run tulip, that would be great
    so you can no more help me with the compilation on my Ubuntu 14.04?

  • Adam Miller

    Adam Miller - 2014-10-03

    I said I would have to wait until I get home to continue.

    If you can find the reason for that error, it shouldn't be hard to debug.

  • Adam Miller

    Adam Miller - 2014-10-03

    Yes that means line 6.

    Did you read open up the There's not supposed to be any html at all...

  • Alain L'Hostis

    Alain L'Hostis - 2014-10-03

    ah.... a big mistake while downloading the file from the web...
    now running real the script...
    seems like some elements missing:
    E: Impossible de trouver le paquet qt5declarative5-dev
    installed qt5declarative still the same error
    where can I find the -dev of this? synaptic does not find it...
    tried by modifying the script and suppressing the -dev at the end of qt5declarative and receive the error
    E: Impossible de trouver le paquet qt5declarative5
    despite the fact the qt5declarative is installed
    another test by completely removing the qt5declarative in the script, this seems to open a pandora box... probably not a good idea


    Last edit: Alain L'Hostis 2014-10-03
  • Adam Miller

    Adam Miller - 2014-10-03

    Ok, once again, the package names change-so you'll need to just use apt-cache search to find the correct package. Usually it's something silly and trivial, you might have to do an iterative process, comment out the line in the script that does the install and install each package manually name by name.

    Please keep a tab of the old and new package names so that the script can be updated to reflect this.

  • Alain L'Hostis

    Alain L'Hostis - 2014-10-05

    the problem remains
    tried to find the missing package and did not succeed
    even the command
    apt-cache search qt5declarative5-dev

    gives nothing
    so I removed it from the script
    now it runs
    but then, what should I do?
    Where is Tulip?

    did what was expected: sudo ./ 5.2.1
    but then says missing the tulip-src
    the script did not download them

    ah... svn was missing, installing it...

    ok the script run further
    it start compiling but then around 40% complete this error:
    [ 40%] Built target OGDF-tulip-4.6
    make: *** [all] Erreur 2
    export PYTHONPATH=/home/lhostis/workspace/tulip/build/x64/debug/Qt/5.2.1/install/lib/python
    lhostis@lhostis-Dell-port-E5400:~/Documents/Logiciels/Tulip/Tulip_4.6.0$ tuliploadPlugins info: /home/lhostis/.local/share/data//Tulip 4.5/plugins//lib/tulip/ - Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type


    Last edit: Alain L'Hostis 2014-10-05
  • Adam Miller

    Adam Miller - 2014-10-05

    If you read the actual script itself, you can see that it should install to


    If removing it allows it to build to completion, that would imply it's not a needed package with the updated package names. To know if it ran to completion, just read the compile output, it should have a bunch of percent things with names of cpp files that are being compiled. Also, it should reach completion without error, meaning you should see something like

    [100%] {some file name}

  • Alain L'Hostis

    Alain L'Hostis - 2014-10-06

    couldn't find the compile output file, but I saw yesterday it stopped around 40%
    what do you mean by 'removing', remove the directory or remove the line on the script?

    I start thinking I should go back to the cmake method given in the tulip help...

    errors noted during the script:
    same problem as initially, the QUAZIP and Sphinx are missing
    I tried to give access to SID Debian repository (where a version 4.5 of Tulip can be found) because there only is libqt5webkit5-dev
    which was missing
    with this the process goes to 42 % but still fail
    by the way I can't find a log file of the results of the script, that would be nice to get access to this


    Last edit: Alain L'Hostis 2014-10-06
  • Adam Miller

    Adam Miller - 2014-10-06

    If you just think for a minute before replying, in your very own words, you said you removed the dependency and that that allowed the build script to continue. "It" meant the dependency in that context, the qt5declarative5-dev that you couldn't find.

    Anyway, if you can't find quazip or sphinx, just search for them and install them via apt as mentioned earlier. Please take note of the package names that you select to get it to work.

    apt-cache search qt | grep webkit

    There isn't a log file produced, when you run cmake (as the does) you'll see that all output is reflected to the screen.

  • Alain L'Hostis

    Alain L'Hostis - 2014-10-07

    reading again your message, it still seems ambiguous to me, possibly because English is not my native speaking language, possibly because I'm not in your head

    well here is the list of missing packages:

    but now I am completely blocked by "quazip".
    1 I tried installing libquazip0 and libquazip0-dev but still the quazip is missing
    2 tried installing quazip from the SID Debian unstable repository, the libquazip-qt5-1 or the libquazip1-qt5 but this proves complicated : aptitute recommends doing nothing because unsatisfied dependencies or proposes to modify hundreds of packages which I feel too dangerous
    3 tried by installing all the libquazip + something packages (a total of 4) available in the ubuntu saucy repository (libquazip-doc, libquazip0, libquazip0-dbg, libquazip0-dev)

    by the way it would be nice that the script interrupts before compiling and showing the state of the dependencies before continuing the compilation, currently I have to interrupt the task at the right moment when it shows the dependencies


    Last edit: Alain L'Hostis 2014-10-07
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