
Resize GLMainWidget

  • Thomas Faux

    Thomas Faux - 2014-06-18


    I have included tulip in my software.
    Everything runs fine, but i don't know how to resize the display window directly in my c++ code.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Adam Miller

    Adam Miller - 2014-06-18

    You need a pointer to the Qt windowing object that contains everything. You can then do windowPtr->resize(width, height) on it.

  • Thomas Faux

    Thomas Faux - 2014-06-19

    So, if i haven't defined a particular window to put the graph rendering in, i can't resize the window that pop out when i use GLMainWidget show(); ?

    I just try to put the rendering window in full screen.


    Last edit: Thomas Faux 2014-06-19
  • Adam Miller

    Adam Miller - 2014-06-19

    GlMainWidget is a qt widget; it extends from qt base classes. It should have a resize function. But you don't have to call glmainwidget's resize, you can put it into another widget and resize the whole thing if you want. Like, you can use a QMainWindow, place the GlMainWidget in the center area, and just call this->showMaximized() at the end of the constructor.


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